Member-only story
Health, quite literally, before wealth
It’s easy to say health before wealth. The reality and the execution of it is much harder.
Of course, we should put our health first, but also, isn’t life just a bit much sometimes? Maybe the world is stressing us out. Maybe we haven’t slept well. Or our kids do what kids do and disrupt our lives in so many wonderful and stressful ways. Or maybe you’ve been laid off and money is tighter than ever.
Or perhaps, you’re like my most recent life example, and you have suddenly become a carer to your parent.
It’s so easy to say waking at 5am will do us wonders (I actually did this the other day, for like the first time willingly in years and it was amazing, but unsustainable in my situation). Or journaling clear our minds. Or that eating the perfect food will energise us.
My life is pretty balanced, but my habits still need improving. I’m incredibly grateful for the lifestyle and the flexibility that I have, but damn perhaps I’ve had it too easy and a little bit extra here, and there has put me out of touch with my health needs.
Also, my life is a bit wild at times (5 kids, 2 businesses, unschooling, being a carer to family, etc…) and I always put other people’s needs first, for better or worse. The first thing that goes is my strictness with my health.
The last thing I want to hear these days is people preaching how to ‘do it’ 🥱